Alternatives to New Year's Resolutions

Making New Year's resolutions has been a long-standing custom for 4,000 years. It all started with the ancient Babylonians and then in ancient Rome. Today, as many as 45% of Americans say they make New Year's resolutions, but only 8% are successful in meeting their goals.
With the year we had in 2020, why not switch up how you plan for the year ahead and do something you can really feel good about!
Here are some ideas along with more details on each below. Happy 2021!

Make a bucket list for the year.
Make a list of the things you'd love to do this year. It could be as big or small as you like! Traveling somewhere, trying a new kind of food, improving your handwriting, reading a specific book, or going to a movie again! The sky's the limit.
Plan a monthly 30-day challenge.
Each month, decide on something you'd like to accomplish over the next 30 days. It could be anything! Here's some ideas to get your started along with a great Ted Talk.
Write a personal mission statement.
Just like CEOs write mission statements for their business, we should have one for ourselves. It can act as a compass for your life and help you stay focused on reaching your goals. Here's some tips on how to get started.
Choose a word each month.
Frame your year by choosing one word each month you want to focus on. Then for that month, do as many things as you can related to that word. You can write down what you did so you can see what you accomplished! Some possible words could be: creativity, health, or connection.
Take time for yourself each day.
Self-care is so important and amidst a pandemic, it's even more important. It doesn't have to be a ton of time each day either. Take 3 minutes to meditate, or if you have more time, fit some exercise in or read a chapter of a book you're enjoying.
Here's to a new year and taking care of yourself and your happiness so you can also take care of others.❤️