NadiaGirl Style Tips : Bring Your Leggings Back to School

School is going to look different for everyone this Fall, but whether your daughter is heading back to school for in-person learning, or doing school remotely, having clothing that helps her feel comfortable AND confident is just as important now as ever.
Leggings are a staple for casual, comfortable style. Here are some ideas on how to style them. We will continue to share more in future posts. The options are endless!
Pair leggings with your favorite track jacket. Works whether you're indoors or outdoors.
A denim jacket looks great with leggings when you need another layer.
For a sporty look, pair your leggings with a some colorful sneaks.
A lightweight kimono brings a boho chic look and is so comfy.
A denim vest says cool without trying too hard.
Have fun with coming up with different options with your daughter. We'd love to see what you come up with! Share them on Instagram or Facebook and tag @nadiagirlstyle.❤️