Our Favorite Products For Her First Period

Adolescence is an exciting and challenging time for both girls and their moms. Planning for her first period can give both of you peace of mind that when the time comes, you're prepared!
Here's a list of our favorite products!
Books About Puberty
Having a book your daughter can turn to, in addition to the chats you have with her, is a great way for her to learn the answers to things she may be wondering about and will help her learn more about her body.
Period Products
There are so many options now! These are a few of our most favorite that are also eco-friendly.
Lola First Period Kit
This kit has everything a girl needs for her first period. Different pads, tampons, information on each, a pouch to hold everything and some fun stickers. Plus their products are organic and Lola is women-owned.
Thinx BTWN Period Underwear
Period underwear are becoming more and more popular and these from Thinx are made just for tweens and teens.
Lunette Menstrual Cup
For active girls who don't want to have to worry about changing a pad or tampon several times a day, a menstrual cup can be a good option. It takes some practice but could be a great option once she starts to feel more experienced with her period.
Lola Cleansing Wipes
Feminine cleansing wipes are a good thing to have around to ensure she feels clean and fresh. Lola's are made from organic bamboo and are pH balanced.
Best Apps For Tracking Her Cycle
While tracking her period isn't necessary, it can be helpful for her to begin understanding her cycle and her body. These apps were chosen as they are more geared to tweens and teens and stay focused on simple period tracking. We included the Apple Health app since that's already on your phone if you have an iPhone. There's an option to add a period tracker which makes it super simple!